Music Director
Jennifer Connell
Jennifer is a great musician, a wonderful singer, a talented songwriter - but above all, she's a great Christian! Talent is one thing, and we are thankful for it, but to be used in keeping the tangible presence of God in our worship services requires both humility and the desire to be used for His glory alone. Jennifer keeps that in perspective and, because of it, she was appointed to direct our music program.
Jennifer was homeschooled, and earned a Bachelor of Apostolic Theology degree from the Institute of Conservative Apostolic Theology, San Antonio, TX. She currently works tutoring autistic children. She is working hard to help develop more musicians and singers within the church and keeping music on track and in line with the direction of the Holy Ghost. We are singing many of the old songs that teach us doctrine and the principles of living godly—and avoiding the sound and direction of much of the shallow, popular music of our time. We think you'll find our music at Cornerstone Pentecostal Church refreshingly old-time Pentecostal at its core while taking much of the new, good music that is being written and singing it with old-time Pentecostal fervor!